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Combined we have both run, operated, and sold several small business outside of our accounting practices. Some notable examples are- Baltimore cities longest running night club, a pizza chain with over 2 dozen stores and a multi-state social sports company. We both possess a practical insight of business that allows us to go beyond the typical accountants standard of knowledge..
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28 E. Susquehanna Ave.
Towson MD, 21286
Telephone: 443-791-5726
Fax: 443-982-2984
Rain Tax
/0 Comments/in Blog Entry, General News /by Tony Di FattaThere has been much in the news following the end of the 2013 General Assembly session about Gov. Martin O’Malley’s “Rain Tax.” This law was actually passed in 2012, and at the time I called it the worst bill passed that year. It forces Maryland’s “metro” counties to enact a tax on the amount of […]
Obamacare Tax changes
/0 Comments/in Blog Entry, General News /by Tony Di FattaA new Surtax on Investment Income impacts individuals making more than $200,000 a year or couples with $250,000 or more. They must pay a new 3.8% levy on income from investments, possibly including profits from the sale of a home. A new Medicare Tax adds to ObamaCare’s pain. These same high-earners must pay an additional .9% […]